Seized property, hearing as to ownership, 968.20
Special prosecutor, court appointment authorized, 978.045
State highway prevailing wage laws, duties, 84.062 (8)
Statutes, laws of Wisconsin, free, 35.84
Subpoenaed documents, destruction, 946.60
Summons, issuance, 968.04
Suspension from office, 17.11
Teachers, discrimination, prosecution, 118.20
Telecommunication services, trade practice enforcement, 100.207
Tobacco products tax violations, prosecutions, 139.86
Trade regulations, violations, commence action, 100.26 (6)
Unfair sales act, prosecute violations, 100.30
Vacancy, how filled, 17.19 (3s)
Veterinary practice law, violations, injunction, 89.08
Victims of crimes, information concerning, relevancy, 904.13
Voting, notified of irregularities, 6.56
Water pollution discharge elimination cases, 283.89 (3)
Worthless check deferred prosecution program; creation, operation, 971.41
disturbance of peace DISTURBANCE OF PEACE
divorce DIVORCE
do_not_call list law DO-NOT-CALL LIST LAW
Generally, 100.52
docks DOCKS
See Waterways
doctors DOCTORS
documentary evidence DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE
Generally, Ch. 889
For detailed analysis, see Evidence
documents of title DOCUMENTS OF TITLE
dogs DOGS
Generally, Ch. 174
Breeders and dealers, licensing, 173.41
Cruelty to:
Abandoning, 951.15
Caged or staked, shooting at, 951.09
Fights between animals, instigating, 951.08
Food and water, failure to provide, 951.13
Investigation of complaints, 173.10
Killing, decompression prohibited, 951.025
Leading from vehicle, 951.04
Mistreating, 951.02
Penalties for, 951.18
Poison and controlled substances, exposure to, 951.06
Prohibited devices, 951.07
Shelter, failure to provide, 951.14
Transportation in cruel manner, 951.05
Damage to livestock, mink, claim procedure, 174.11, 174.12
Dognapping, 951.03
Fights, 951.08, 951.18 (2)
Veterinarian to report, 173.12
Greyhounds, racing, registration, 562.056
Guide dogs:
Admitted to public places, 106.52 (3) (am)
Harassment of service dogs, criminal, 951.097
License tax exemption, 174.055
Court order to kill, 174.02 (3)
Intentionally, when allowed, inapplicability, 174.01
Running deer or harming game birds, 29.931 (2)
Liability of owner for damage, 174.02, 174.09 to 174.12
Breeders and dealers, 173.41
Exemptions, 174.054, 174.055
Fund, how disposed of and accounted for, 174.09
License tax, 174.05
Collection by municipality, 174.065
List, municipality to prepare, 174.06
Payment of collected taxes to county treasurer, 174.08
Licenses and tags, 174.07
Milwaukee county municipalities, 174.10
Multiple dog licenses, 174.053
Requirement, publication of notice, 174.052
Training and trial licenses, 169.20, 169.32 (6), (7), 169.36 (4)
Nuisances, when, 29.927 (8)
Penalties for violations, 174.15
Police and fire dogs, harassment, 951.095
Rabies control program, 95.21
Appropriation, 20.115 (2) (j)
District quarantine, 95.21 (3)
Publication of vaccination requirement, 174.052
Quarantine, 95.21 (5)
Vaccination required, exception, 95.21 (2)
Race dogs: